Thursday, August 1, 2013

New Dr. - Highly recommended

I have the name of a great doctor in Houston who is actively prescribing Belviq.  Her name is Dr. Sally Thomas.  I am so excited.  I have my appointment set up for August 13th as she is on vacation.  This works out great for me!!!  I am so excited!!!

Tomorrow is my 6 week weigh in, Which will be on video and posted tomorrow.  Meanwhile - I put a pull up over there on the right hand side.  Let's see what the masses thing!  Go ahead, be brave, make your choice!!! 

I was speaking to the local Eisai rep today.  I was completely humbled when she told me that the Humble rep had stopped by a local family practice and the 2 nurses both have heard of me and my blog!!  A similar encounter for the Eisai NOLA rep.  BLESSED that I am making a statement.

I WANT the word out - I want to educate and change lives just like mine is being changed, one little blue pill at a time!!!!!!! 

Share my story with anyone.  Any Eisai rep can use me as a tool - PERFECLY FINE.  I want to bring the same joy to others as I have found! 
