Friday, August 23, 2013


I hope everyone is doing great.  NO WEIGH IN today - sorry - I woke up late and had to run to the office.  I PROMISE NEXT Week.  I do think I lost at least 1 pound judging from my scale at home (which is about 3 pounds off from the scale at my doctors off).  If that is the case, I AM ESTATIC because of all I had to endure over the last 2 weeks.  It was awful!  I am honestly shocked that I did not GAIN any weight.  BELVIQ ROCKS!!!!!

I got a lot of responses on natural alternatives to water retention issues I am having due to Liver issues.  One of the suggestions was Dandelion Root Tea.  I bought some and had my first glass today.  I have to say, I actually really liked it better than standard tea.  I am sold!!!  I also got an herbal supplement that should help in that area as well.  I am now taking 7 differnt supplements and vitamins.  I am hoping this will kick my issues and I cam move on with my life. 

I want to thank you all for being patient with me over these last 2 weeks. I have missed some posting days.  I will try to do better this week.  I won't be posting over the weekend.  I need to get my but to the gym again! HA!

I did some grocery shopping yesterday.  I can finally get back to eating my roughage (ha) and get away from the blands.  That alone makes me really really happy.  I feel like this next week, I am going to have some results so lets keep on the look out.

Right now as it stands, I am 25 pounds, possibly 26 pounds down.  Next week will tell the tale!!  Fingers crossed and prayers appreciated.

UPDATE on adsense.  I was denied appeal.  So I am looking at other options (That one of the things I am doing this weekend).  GOOGLE SUCKS.  They supposedly have this high tech stuff in place to reject those repetitive clicks.  So, why not just do that vs. penalizing me because I can't control what they do.  At the end of the day, they were SUPPOSED to pay me $185.00 for July FINALIZED earnings (which it would have been more but they supposedly found those clicks) but because they suspended the account BEFORE payment, it's forfieted.  THAT HURT.  I was counting on that for October Belviq.  Thanks to donations, I have September coverd.  Stupid GOOGLE.  It's ok, I will FIND a way - trust me.  My weight loss is far more important to me especially with this recent health scare!!!

Thanks so much for all of your words of encouragement.  I read all of them and try to respond to all!!!
