So excited, tomorrow (Wednesday) is my Friday. I am off for 4 days for the holiday weekend. I don't have a lot planned, well, actually, I kind of do....
I am going to sit down and make a menu for the next week or so and plan some good meals, etc. I am also planning some pool time and walking time on the treadmill.
On Sunday, I have some friends that might be coming over to grill by the pool. That's going to be a challenge in terms of eating so I think I am going to make some yummy fruit/salad/veggie things maybe and tell them they can bring junk if they want it!!
I came across two more people that just started taking Belviq this week. One at my doctors office - she said she noticed an immediate effect. The only problem is that she was having some headaches - which is a side effect. The other one was in the Belviq support group on facebook. She started it yesterday and noticed the change in appetite immediately.
I'm telling you - this stuff works if you can get past the side effect. I didn't have many myself so it was great for me.
I have to say again though, Belviq is not a quick fix weight loss plan. If you have no intentions on changing your eating habits, don't waste your time. You really have to commit to a change. That's what I am doing!!!
I didn't have anything exciting to eat today. Just some left overs from Sunday.
I want to thank everyone for your support. Whether your support is because you know me and want this for me as bad as I do, or your support is because you are watching Belviq on the financial side, it doesn't matter to me. I take whatever support I can get because I need it. So, if the incentive for you is financial, you can push me just as those who are in it for me!
Thanks again!!!!!