Today I was trying to help out 2 separate people who are desperately trying to find physicians who will prescribe Belviq. One is looking for a family member in the Miami area. His doctor wouldn't prescribe Bevliq because they had never heard of it and wanted to "research" it.
The 2nd actually used my primary doctor. That Doctor left the practice and now we BOTH are in the same shoes. She lives a little further out so I am hoping to find her a doctor in Humble. I will use my personal contact at my orthopedics' office to try to try to find one local.
We need these doctors educated ASAP!!!!! There so few Belviq pharma reps that they are already stretched thin. They are wonderful! Hopefully my local Belviq rep will respond to my email asking for local resources. The one girl - her trial ended today and lost 9 pounds and she doesn't want to go long without! I need my RX refill Friday!!!!!!!!!