Happy Saturday Peeps!!!
I would love for a lazy day, but I just have way too much to do. My dad will include menu planning for the week, grocery shopping, cooking a few meals, and CLEANING my dirty apartment. I've ignored it all week. I also will get in some pool time first and maybe some treadmill time. BORING!!
So, last night my friend Ashley invited me to an impromptu dinner. We met at a Mexican restaurant - I know, not the best choice right? Well, I think it worked out very well for me. They had a grilled fajita chicken salad. I was thinking it was a taco salad with a shell and all. I was really surprised that it did not come with a shell. It had kind of on the side the cheese, sour cream and guacamole. I am not a fan of guacamole, so I gave it to Ash. I mixed the chicken up with the salad mixings and added a pinch of cheese and not even a half of spoon of sour cream. I honestly didn't even think about it, but I just did it in the health way. Of course I didn't eat all of it - about half maybe. It was so good. (Now, I did have chips and salsa - salsa is something I actually crave - I crave tomatoes ha).
Belviq Rocks! That's it in a Taco Shell!!!
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Also - go listen to the (2 hour) radio interview that's on the top right of the page. If you want, you can down load it to listen to it in pieces, etc.
Thanks everyone for ALL OF the kind Support!!! You all are amazing - really really AMAZING!
PS - Sunday is my day off from blogging!!!!